We are a Montessori school with a primary focus on academics. Please see the section on Our Programs for more info.
At the Mississauga Valley site we have a preschool room with a maximum of 24 children and a separate toddler room with a maximum of 15 toddlers. The Casa classrooms at our Bristol and River Grove locations have a mixed age group. This means we have a maximum of 24 preschoolers (2.5 to 4 years) at any one time. Within this maximum, we are also licensed to have 5 toddlers (18 months to 2.5) in our class.
Children are taken to the washroom at specific times during the day. If a child needs to go to the washroom outside of this time, they are always accompanied by a teacher.
The children nap for 2 hours in the afternoon, after lunch. Parents must provide bedding for the cots their child will be sleeping on.
Brilliant Minds Montessori accepts funding from Region of Peel Children’s Services. Families who need financial assistance can apply to the Region of Peel at 905-793-9200 or online Region of Peel Children’s Services.
Brilliant Minds Montessori is participating in the The Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Plan(CWELCC) lowering your childcare fees for enrolled families. More information can be found in the link below: